MeVisLab features a high-quality volume renderer that is based on OpenGL and its extensions. It supports the rendering of large volume datasets, even if they do not fit into the main memory. An optimized, multi-resolution technique based on an octree representation and 3D textures adaptively selects the best resolution depending on camera position, volume of interest, and available resources.
Individual transfer functions and different rendering modes such as non-photorealistic or shaded volume rendering can be chosen individually for every segmented object. Interactive and high-quality rendering of large data sets enriched with per-object shading is achieved on current consumer graphics hardware.
Responsiveness is guaranteed during interactive rendering by time slot management.
- Large volume support, e.g., 512x512x2000 CT slices (12bit)
- Optional volume data cache files for very fast low-resolution previews
- Maximum intensity projection (MIP), direct rendering (8/12/16 bit data)
- Extensible shader framework based on GLSL shaders
- Various shading methods and extensions including:
- Blinn-Phong lighting (up to three directional colored light sources)
- Tone shading
- Boundary and silhouette enhancement
- Shadow mapping
- Local ambient occlusion
- First hit ray casting
- Sobel3D gradient estimator
- Support for tag volumes (8 Bit tag data) and per-tag shaders (multiple render modes in one volume)
- Interactive RGBA LUT editor and presets
- 2D lookup table (LUT per tag-id)
- 3D lookup table (LUT per tag-id and gradient strength)
- Mask volume (binary or 8 bit mask, arbitrary resolution) with very fast update
- Oversampling via higher sampling rates
- Empty space skipping via binary histograms
- Picking
- Interactive region of interest / sub-volume selection
- OpenGL clip plane support
- Combinable with other Open Inventor nodes and triangle geometries